Phone Helpline Service
Operating Mondays from September 2023, we offer a phone helpline services from 5pm-8.30pm every week.
You can call normally or via Whatsapp.
07395 355 066
0800 233 5066
(second number is free to call)
Our Phoneline is available and taking calls on Mondays (excluding bank holidays) from 5:00pm-8:00pm.
If we are busy we will endeavour to get back to you once the call we are on is over. If you are unable to get through please be patient; if you need someone urgently and we aren’t available then call Samaritans on 116 123 or LGBT+ Switchboard on 0800 0119 100
This is a confidential service where LGBT+ Travellers can get in touch with a trained member of the Traveller Pride team who is also a mental health professional.
Your call can be to get specific advice or information or you can use the space simply to share with an LGBT+ Traveller about how you are right now. Calls are confidential and confidentiality would only be broken in moments where we needed to safeguard someone vulnerable. You can talk to us about confidentiality, keeping everything said between us, on the call if you are unsure. You don’t have to tell us anything about yourself, not even your own name, if you don’t want to.
We can offer a listening ear and can also help out with some practical elements. You can call:
To share your story
To get recommendations on services near you
To get help with education issues (applications, appeals etc.)
To report a hate crime
To get advice
There isn’t a “right way” to use the helpline, this is a space for you. You can ask for advice on coming out or on hormones, or talk to us about a funny story that you want to tell, or get recommendations for a fried breakfast in London.
Please note, this is not a text service, if you text in the week with a time on Monday between 5pm - 8pm we will try call you back but this depends on capacity and cannot be guaranteed. Voicemails will not be monitored. If you cannot speak during our regular hours but would like to call please email or text us with times in the week you are free and we will let you know if we can accommodate a call then.
Breaks for the service will be announced in advance- check here and social media. We don’t work Bank Holidays.
The service is for individuals aged 16 and up living in the UK.
Get in contact if you want to order our posters for this, you can also download them here in A4 & A2