Social Spaces & Meetups
Isolation is a killer. Traveller Pride hosts spaces for LGBT+ Travellers to connect and to share experiences. The idea is we want to create enough spaces of contact so that this minority within a minority doesn't feel so alone; we all need an ally now and then, and this is part of our work to find one
We Offer:
In Person
Events-Based meetups: Less regular meetup events under the Traveller Pride Banner. We have gone to protests, gone to Pride marches, gone out for dinner or a drink, taken queer tours together and much more. All very variable depending on the activity, we hope to have the right activity for you soon. If you have one to suggest, get in touch!
Regular Monthly Coffee- the amazing LGBTQ+ Community Centre in London are offering us some space once a month for you to drop in and just hang out with some other LGBT+ Travellers. You don't need to sign up, it's just a low key, sober, accessible event. You can find details on the Eventbrite page here and read a little more on our blog here
Facebook Group- We host a private Facebook group you're able to join.
Whatsapp Groups - More fast paced, harder to have a deep conversation about certain topics but great for sharing memes and feeling connected in a quick, immediate way. - message us to be added.
Traveller Pride Forum- More of a slow-burner. A place for a less immediate fix, but a better space to deep dive into a topic, give and take opinions in a longer way. Unlike the other options, you are also able to be anonymous here.
Online zoom meetups- Yes, I am aware that these were done to death when the first wave of Covid 19 hit, but they make it possible to hold space for those of us who are unable to travel as easily. the aim is for these to be bi-monthly. Let us know if you have something you want to share at one of these. Follow our social media for announcements of these.
We take privacy concerns very very seriously. If you are worried you can speak with one of us beforehand
If you have ideas of other ways we should keep in contact, let us know.